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Overcome thelimitations of currentnext generationsequencingapproaches

Overcomethelimitationsof currentnext generationsequencingapproaches

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More data

Sequence all genomic variants including epigenetic modifications

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Better results

Directly sequence long sections of DNA (>50 kbp) with high accuracy

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Less complexity

Minimal Sample Prep and Reduced Reagent Consumption


Compared to the ionic sensing of other nanopore methods, SERS-based detection provides direct structural information, enabling distinction of individual nucleotides and epigenetic, isotopic and other chemical modification markers


Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) facilitates the direct measurement of the actual physical properties of in-situ nucleotides in nucleic acids.


1)     Takes a complete spectral “Fingerprint” of each nucleotide and detects critical DNA modifications with distinct spectra - Epigenetic Modifications Directly Measured - example

dCTP, 5m-dCT, 5hm-dCTP.

Why SERs Raman?
Image by Lucas Vasques

Direct Long-Read Epigenetic Sequencing Platform

Addresses the limitations of today’s sequencing technologies to advance the promise of precision medicine.

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