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The Future OfPrecision Medicine

Detecting what others cannot see

We are at the forefront of genomic innovation with a vision that extends beyond the conventional boundaries of science and medicine.

We detectwhat others cannot see.

Our pioneering technology aims to address significant gaps in genomics research, diagnostics, therapeutics and drug development.


Our novel method identifies genomic data and modifications not accessible with other commercial technologies.


Our unique platform does not require DNA amplification, labels or library preparation.

We detectwhat others cannot see

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Research & Technology

We leverage machine learning technology to ensure precise data analysis and research.

Key advancements

  • Developed and demonstrated of easily manufacturable (optical lithography) metamaterial/plasmonic nanostructures with sensitivity sufficient for non-resonant SERS single nucleotide detection.

  • First bi-analyte demonstration of non-resonant single nucleotide SERS sensitivity with these nanostructures.

  • Embedding of metamaterial/plasmonic nanostructures within nanochannel architectures.

  • Experimental demonstration of single nucleotide detection in nanochannels with embedded enhancement structures for both dsDNA and ssDNA.

  • Demonstration of electric field control (flossing) of ssDNA in the nanochannels.

  • Transport of ~ 7 kbase ssDNA in nanochannels (and 50k lambda dsDNA)



Epigenetic Sequencing

Addresses the limitations of today’s sequencing technologies to advance the promise of precision medicine.


Nanochannels with enhancement structures

A platform of nanochannels (~40nm dimension) with embedded enhancement structures to perform Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS). This approach provides scalable technology that can allow massively parallel detection of single nucleotide sensitivity and resolution. The fabrication currently performed by e-beam and optical lithography is easily transferred to industry-standard optical or nanoimprint lithography methods found in large silicon foundries.


Compared to the ionic sensing of other nanopore methods, SERS-based detection provides direct structural information, enabling the distinction of individual nucleotides and epigenetic, isotopic, and other chemical modification markers.


SERS - Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering

Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) readout provides direct structural information, enabling distinction of individual nucleotides and epigenetic marks.

What We Stand For

Innovation, Health, Humanity

“We are motivated by the pursuit of a groundbreaking technology that promises to

fundamentally improve the lives of patients.”

- Emily Milsovic, CEO

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Armonica Tech., San Diego laboratories

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Armonica’s Center on the University of New Mexico campus


Center for High Technology Materials (CHTM/UNM) Facilities


Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT: DOE User Facility, Sandia and Los Alamos National Laboratories)


UCSD Nano3 facility at the University of California-San Diego

Join Our Team

We’re looking for highly-motivated and talented people to join our innovative team. Submit your application today to join the Armonica journey!

In the Press

Armonica Technologies announces Emily Milsovic joins Board of Directors 

PR Newswire

Feb 26, 2024

Armonica Technologies announces Todd Dickinson joins Board of Directors

Yahoo! Finance

March 13, 2024

Armonica Technologies Awarded NIH Grant (

PR Newswire

Aug 31, 2022

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DNA is the source code for all living things and reading DNA is fundamental. Current methods to read DNA (aka sequencing) often miss critical data. Market sequencing platforms require DNA to be amplified, and important genomic markers are lost in this process. 


Amplification causes copying errors and loss of critical epigenetic information, adding time, cost, and complexity.  In addition, these technologies also only read very small DNA fragments of DNA and contribute to significant gaps in diagnostic capabilities.


Detection of large structural variants, long range epigenetic mapping, and de novo genome assembly

Sequencing of ultra-long, native nucleic acid molecules at single base resolution

No labeling or amplification of target nucleic acid is required, and sequence is read in real-time

Detection of large structural variants, long range epigenetic mapping, and de novo genome assembly

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